About Me

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The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

It's over...:(

Last year if I had posted something, it would have said something like "It's over...:D" but for some reason, this year it was different.  The people were so beautiful (inside and out; but inside especially) and so generous.  The instructors told me that they wanted me to come back and audition.  Nobody has told me that before.  I don't think I got as many goodbyes last year as I did this year.  And now I'm pretty positive that that theater is where I belong for now.  That's the place for me to audition at.  I just know it's there.  This place is IT.  And the people, the people are so sweet.  I handed my folder around and practically everyone signed it.  There were lot's of hearts and smiley faces and the sweetest things said on it.  It just showed me that not only the instructors but also the kids want me to come back.  I'm just so flattered right now.  I'm going to keep that folder for a very long time.  But it reminds me of how many people out there do care about me when I'm down.

The performance was a blast and everything went well.  Everyone loved us old weeping ladies and we loved everyone back (lol even the "Evil Queen").  The Host tripped at one point but it really only added to the humor and it was a too obvious trip.  It was a hilarious performance and everyone enjoyed.  Now after all that hard work, I think it's time for some well deserved rest and a vacation but I promise I'll be back soon.  I'll try to blog Thursday or (if it's possible and depending on the time) Wednesday, but stay tuned for more lights, camera, action!

Oh and for those who are new to this blog, if you like my blog you may also enjoy Muppet's blog: The Whimsical Mind of Muppet the Mophead.  Just saying.  It's a pretty good blog too.  And for something more spiritual I suggest my sister's blog: Stitches and Scribbles.  Or my other sister's blog (If you're a foodie): Juniper's table.

That's all for now!  Curtain call and bow.

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