About Me

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The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Blogging on Blogs About Blogging

So I needed to thank my friend R for giving me the link to her blog.  Or rather, giving it to my mom so that she could give it to me.  I would have gotten it myself, but that would be breaking my fast from Facebook.  Plus I don't have her email.  Wait, that's a lie, I probably do have it.  Somewhere.  In the huge file named Drama Club, Drama Crew on my gmail account.  I was going to thank R by posting on her blog, but I don't know how to make Blogger work with Tumblr.  Which is why I'm not technically following her blog.  My sister whose at college would know how to do it.

Oh darn!  My sister at college isn't at college anymore!  She's not even in the same state as me anymore.  She went up north for some diplomacy class in Washington DC.  I am so jealous.  Or not.  Because it's school.  And she has to wear fancy suits and make up.  I don't like make up.  Nor is my etiquette good.  Or my grammar.  Or my spelling.  I would flunk.  Basically, I just want to go to DC and see all the fancy shmancy museums up there.  I'm certain you have to wear a suit just to enter those museums.

So, I have breaking news that should have been in a couple earlier blog posts.  That's that I told my mom that I have a crush.  I thought she would be angry or something.  But apparently my mother was happy.  So now I'm blogging about it because it probably won't matter anymore that I like a guy since he's going off to college soonishly.  Oh well, that means he'll get smart and stuff.  And probably forget about me.  That's life for you, don't expect anything or else you'll be disappointed.  Then you have the saying that one of the BodyFlow instructors said once.  It was probably just because the next track was abs, but I thought it was a great saying in all areas of life:

"If it were easy, you would be disappointed."

I wish he had a Facebook or that I knew his email or phone number or SOMETHING.  But I don't.  I could pray about it.  But I already have.  I asked my mom about it.  She suggested sending him a card.  That's nice.  Only I don't know what his address is.  Even if I lose him, there is one thing I must remember:

There we go.  That was close! Blogger started pitching a fit when I asked it, politely, to put that picture up.  So yeah.  Basically that's it.  And R posted on Facebook once:

"When you're drowning, remember that your lifeguard walks on water."  Best quote ever.  She is so inspirational.  She is the best person I ever friended on Facebook.  I would say Muppet is the best, but obviously if I didn't have Facebook we wouldn't miss out on any of our deep heart to heart conversations since most of them occur over email.  Plus I'm fasting.  When I went on yesterday, I spent five minutes on Muppet's wall and twenty minutes on R's wall.  She has so much to say.  And all of what she says is so good and so filled with God.  She's just amazing.

And Muppet is too.  Don't get me wrong.  I wouldn't have half the conversations with her that I do if she weren't.  But really, if I quote anybody on my blog, it's probably going to be R.


  1. Yep R has amazing things to say :)

  2. We have some people in our lives to inspire us and other to understand us. It's all good. And, it's all God!!
