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The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What's Going On Tomorrow?

Tomorrow, tomorrow
I love ya tomorrow
You're always a day away!

So.  Tomorrow is a teacher's meeting.  Which means all of the other homeschooling moms in my homeschool group are getting together and talking about school and other uninteresting things that we kids don't really care to hear about (but are none the less important).  This is usually the day that I don't get too much school done but I'm going to try to accomplish as much as I can so that I can enjoy my free time to talk to Muppet at the park.  Of course, since the meeting is in the morning, I can't get my stuff done and ahead before going.  Unless I decided to ditch getting any sleep.  And then I would NOT enjoy anything.  What's the point of getting stuff done and having all the time in the day when all you want to do is sleep?

So basically, I have to get all my school done in the afternoon after the teacher's meeting.  Before Zumba at Gold's Gym in the evening.  Which only sucks an hour out of my day, but still.  I'm not complaining here, though.  Just stating facts and telling you what's up (the trees and the sky and the birds...I know).

Yesterday, Como wasn't feeling well at all.  So we took the poor kitty to the vet (which is only, like, two blocks from our house).  She's feeling better today (I think, you can't ever tell with cats; they mask pain so well).  She's very groggy, but I would be too if I wasn't feeling well.

Nothing else interesting has been happening besides school...EXCEPT for Drama Club.  I'm going to be quitting the homeschool drama club that I was doing with my homeschool group because my school is dragging with two days being shot...not to mention the extra days blown because of an upcoming play or field trip.  BUT I am still going to be doing the Drama Club at the community theater.

I'm going to miss people at the other teacher's meeting, but if I'm going to teacher's meetings, I'll probably see them there.  Plus who says I can't help with drama club behind the scenes?  I could still suggest new games to Game Guy to play with the other kids.  Also, I might come back if there's a production next year...But that's a big MIGHT because I might decide to audition for something at the community theater during the time that the homeschool drama club is doing a production.  I don't even know what's happening next year for me.  But who's expected to know things a year ahead, anyways?

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