About Me

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The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Thursday, September 27, 2012


have you noticed how most of my posts have been particularly uninteresting lately?  I'm sure you probably have.  Well, I have a new task today.  Not for today, but it's something interesting I can do.

See, our homeschool group puts this thing together called The Beam.  It's a bulletin of things that the kids send in.  It can have pictures, newsletters, reviews, or random creative stories you've written.  What I'm going to do is (this is actually clever so pay attention) I'm going to try and get more audience participation by submitting some of my half written stories for people to finish.  The rest of the people in my homeschool group can then send in what they think the ending should be.  I can (at first) send in parts of old stories that I have written in the past for people to fill in.  Then, if I so desire, I could also post them here, on my blog, for you to participate with.  So stay tuned, because this is another one of those things that I say I'm going to do but you'll never know until I actually do it.

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