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The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Return Of J.J. Heller! And More

I was on YouTube today and I looked up the J.J. Heller song that I was meaning to find before.  I LOVE IT SO MUCH!  I love Christian music.  Here's my favorite J.J. Heller song:

It's so sweet.  I remember hearing this one a while ago and loving it and then I heard it on the radio a second time and went to see what song it was on the Joy FM What Song Was That? thing.  After that I looked on jesusfreakhideout.com to see if it had the lyrics.  Well, of course JFH did not deliver like I was hoping for (they never show the songs I'm looking for) so I blogged about it and was thinking of going on YouTube to find it so that I could post it.  But I couldn't remember the song title by then so I left it for a while.  But today I found it and now I've posted it and (hopefully) you listened to it.

But while I was looking for J.J. Heller stuff to post for you, I found this music video that's simply adorable:

But what really started it was that when I was looking on YouTube, I found the official music video for This is the Stuff by Francesca Battistelli!

But what really started my going onto YouTube to begin with was that I wanted to post music on blog and I had fun finding the cool song that I had found before by Plumb.  Well, that's all this post is about.  I guess.  But I have one last thing to say,

And this because I heard this one once and I was craving to listen again because I just had one little part spinning around in my head for forever-ever-ever lol.  I don't know what it is about Taylor Swift but I always love everything she does.  I had Wiki-ed her before to see if she had any new stuff coming out soon and the reviews for the lead song weren't very high so I was wondering if I would like it or not...Then my J and mother listened to it and encouraged me to watch it on YouTube, so I did.  And I'm not kidding, it's so catchy I had it stuck in my head randomly during the whole two weeks that Muppet was gone.  I love this song, but that's my opinion.  I just love music videos that can make you smile or laugh a little.

One more little thing about Taylor Swift: I still wish she would stop straightening her hair.  She looks so much better with curls.  Not that she looks bad.  She just looks better with curls.  I think everyone who's a natural curly head looks better with their curls.

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