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The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Things to be excited about and other randomness

One thing to be excited about is that my confirmation is in exactly two weeks!  For you who don't really know what that means: I'm going to be officially Catholic.  If you still don't understand, don't worry about it.

Anyways, another thing to be excited about is that the new season of doctor who premiered yesterday.  Although I have not seen many of the new episodes, I think that Matt Smith is one of my favorite doctors.  The episode was sad and I felt really bad for the dalek person.  But it was a really cool episode!

I'm not going to over-blog about Doctor Who because I'm certain there are a thousand people out there blogging about it.  But I do have to say that the "newtowho" commercials are hilarious.  Just saying.  You know, the one with the celebrity nerd?  Lol.

Something else I'm excited about is that tomorrow is a Youth Ministry Team meeting.  Basically, it's a meeting with a few of the teenagers at my church that are planning this huge kickoff thing for our Youth Group.  This year, we're trying to make it more open and friendly and just better in general so that people will actually stay.  A lot of the people my grade just kind of dropped out before.  The first few times I saw plenty of their faces but right before summer started I saw, like, three-five people my grade.  I'm certain at confirmation there will be a whole bunch but when when the kick off starts, I doubt many of them will show up.

But whatever.  People who don't care don't come.  So, obviously the best people to talk to are the ones who actually care about their faith and coming to church occasionally.

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