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The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Nails of the day

My next nails are also quite simple:

My friend did these nails up because this was the day (or should I say night) that I watched Mulan with her.  Mostly because that's one of those Disney classics that I haven't seen since...I don't know when and I wanted to see it again.  Also, that's one of Muppet's favorite movies, so all the more reason to watch it.

As I have said before, I don't remember the colors and brands of nail polishes that we used, but it doesn't matter very much.  You just need to know that I used a slightly shimmery red and black and white nail polishes.  She painted them red, then painted the black on the nail tip like a free hand french manicure thing.  Like this:

If you make it larger, you can see it better.  After they dried, Muppet added a white stripe along the bottom edge of the black nail polish, as seen in the first picture.

Well that concludes my nails of the day I guess.

In the future, I'll try and record better nail polish information.  If you're curious to what tools she uses for my nails the answer is a bobby pin, a thin nail polish brush that she saved from an old nail polish that went tacky, and a small piece of packaging cardboard for a artist pallet.

And also, for your information, I only own three colors of nail polish.  All of the nail polish you've seen on this blog is all her's.  What do you think of the nail art so far?  Don't worry if this isn't interesting to you.  The first stuff is less detailed than the later things.  You also have to understand that this was the third time she painted my nails.

Don't worry, you didn't miss out on her second time painting my nails.  That was the day of our Cast Party last year after my homeschool group put on the first performance that I was in.  The party took place at Muppet's house.  After I got tired of mosquitoes, Muppet and I went to play our own personal game of Apples to Apples.  Except it turned into the exact opposite because our friends came in and asked if they could join in and we couldn't say no and...you know how it goes.  So soon enough, there were over ten people playing and the game was getting too noisy so we sneaked out of the game and into her room and painted my nails black to match her nails which had been painted black for her costume as a fire bug.  Here's a picture of my black fingernails.

I had to use flash to get this picture because there was too much shade and I wanted to show them next to my toenails, which you have already seen (hopefully) in the last post.  This is a very hard shot to take with a camera.  I had my camera sitting between my knees while I pressed the picture button with my chin...or was it m nose?  But now I can say, "Look mom!  No hands!"

Also, you may have notice the scar on my right foot.  That's from when I was five (or something like that).  I was jumping on the rocking loveseat which, as you may or may not know, have mechanical parts in them.  Just saying, they hurt.  I never got stitches, just one of those butterfly bandages.  You can barely see it now, but it's still there.

I'm a kind blogger because I didn't share any graphic details with you lol.  It wasn't that graphic though...Well, I couldn't remember much anyways because I was crying my eyes out.  lol.  It's funny how you can look back on things and laugh at them even when they were terrible when it happened.

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