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The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

La de da de doo!

Nothing much has been happening that's been blog worthy lately.  My nails are still sulking because, even though Muppet is back home where she belongs, we haven't had time to paint my nails.  Which is annoying because my mind thinks of new ideas faster than we can paint my nails.  But Muppet did paint her own nails!  They are so adorable.  I wish my nails could be painted.  *sigh*

Anyways.  Today was Drama Club!  Again!  Nothing too exciting happened.  There are lots of new people, as usual.  And, as usual, I played about a thousand games with them all and I still don't know all their names.  We played lots of this game called Poison.  Which is quite simple but equally fun.

First, to choose who the "poisoner" will be you have everyone stand in a circle and one person who is not playing taps the person of their choice on the head while everyone's eyes are closed.  Then the game begins!  Everyone walks around shaking each other's hands, including the poisoner.  But when the poisoner shakes you hand, they press their pointer finger into your wrist to "poison" you.  Next, you walk around a little while longer and shake people's hands, then you start to act sick.  After a few more seconds, you must die dramatically (not really, you're just acting).  Eventually when one of the living persons who have not yet been poisoned thinks they know who the poisoner is, they accuse the person that they think is it.  If they are wrong, they must also die dramatically.  If they are correct, they win and play may restart.

It's quite fun, but it gets tiresome after about the fifth time.  We also played games such as Freeze and Wax museum (which, if I haven't explained, I will eventually).  Then we went onto doing our scripts.  Next time we're expected to have our lines memorized.  Which won't be too hard for me, I guess.  I just have to find time when J is here to help me with my lines.  Which will probably be this weekend.  I also decided to ditch my southern accent since I doubt it sounds good at all to anyone.  That's my weak point in acting: accents.  I just can't seem to do them.  I can pitch my voice differently for characters and even make my voice sound shaky or stutter, but I can NOT do any accents with my voice.  I can sort of try to do a southern or British accent, but nothing else.

Well, enough of my ramblings! lol :)

Hey look!  Cosmo's winking at you:

1 comment:

  1. Excuse you. I painted your toenails for you when I was home last weekend. :P
