Yes it is indeed! I finally finished reading The Help. I won't lie, I teared up at the end. But I didn't cry. But only because I don't usually cry during books and movies. Muppet gave me her copy of the book, "Beyond the Deepwoods", from the series The Edge Chronicles. It looks kind of like the Deltora Quest books my sister reads except with less disturbing looking creatures. And Twig, the main character, is raised by trolls. I'm reading the introduction. It's pretty good. And this author knows how to write (hinting at the author of Twilight).
Oh no! I don't like this song! But I like it at the same time! It's the song Where are the Clowns? It's depressing, but it's a good song. It's kind of the same feeling I get when I'm listening to the Taylor Swift song Last Kiss.
Anyways, my brother wants me to play with him again. He's trying to convince me to play with him by scaring my cat under my bed. She's currently upset with him. But it doesn't take much from him to scare her. His presence causes her to curl into a ball; eyes wide, tail tucked under, hissing warnings, pressing her body against mine so that maybe she can turn invisible or something. Sometimes she'll start flicking her tail in her face as if she can hide behind it. Other times, she'll try and hide her face in my arms, if I'm holding her. And just because he walked into the room and stomped his feet. But he doesn't really redeem himself to her at all when he walks in my room and starts frightening Cosmo by snapping his fingers and jumping on my bed. I think Cosmo just doesn't like men very much because my father scares her just as much. But she has a real reason for not liking my father. He's always been the one who takes her to the vet when something's wrong with her. He also is the one who puts flea medicine on her neck and trims her nails. But I still don't get it because I hold her when she's getting her nails trimmed and I tagged along on all the times she goes to the vet. Silly cat.
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