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The baseball one is the cutest! Okay so. I should blog more. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH... there, I blogged some more! not that that is what you want to hear but, you know!
We used to have three bunnies. Then one died. Then we got another one. Then a different one died. Then the new one died. And that brings us to the one we own now. Who is now 12 years old and FYI that is really old in bunny years.
Then you have cats. Before I was born, my parents got two kitties. One got sick and died. Then we got two other cats (Sammy and Sunny). We couldn't get just one of them because they were brother and sister. And apparently they had another sibling named Cinnamon which funny since Muppet owns a cat named Cinnamon. Then there was Cosmo who randomly appeared on our doorstep as a small kitten several years ago on May 24 or something. I would know because we were about to get in the car and go to the homeschool convention. Which my mom went to yesterday. So then after the story of Cosmo (which I'm fairly certain I've told you before) our oldest cat died. She lived to be nineteen. That is ancient in cat years.
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