JUST KIDDING. Oh, it's thundering. I used to be afraid of thunder and lightning. Then there was this one day when I was at Drama Camp and it was thundering really hard and...I didn't even flinch. It's cool when you get over old fears. And then you have my ridiculous fear of roller coasters that I should not have, but I do, and I still haven't gotten over it. But I road Test Track and loved that ride and I road Big Thunder Mountain, which was fine but I kept screaming, "DIE DIE DIE!!!" until my voice went hoarse which is the reason that I don't enjoy screaming. But I don't have to worry, because my brother takes over that job for me. At least he doesn't sing like Justin Beiber.
I'm sorry, but I can't help that when I hear him singing on the radio that I think, "Hmm....I wonder what girl sings this song. Nope, can't be Taylor Swift, definitely not southern. Nope, not Selena Gomez or Demi Lavato, I would recognize the voice." Then it hits me, "Oh, it's Justin Beiber! Sorry Justin!" He should start sounding like a guy soon. Apparently most people just liked him for his hairdo. Then he got a hair cut and his fan count dramatically fell. I never really cared for his music as much as other people music, but it's not as awful as some people's music can be. But I definitely think he shouldn't be rapping.
But Chris August's candy rap is hilarious! It's worth looking up. Trust me.
AH! I just did Google Gravity because Muppet blogged about it. So then I ended up flinging bits of Google everywhere. It's easy! Go on Google, type "Google Gravity" and click on "I'm feeling lucky!" and then, there you are watching Google decompose so that you can fling the pieces around.
I wonder what the "I'm feeling lucky!" button does besides Google Gravity... Maybe Muppet knows since she's the Queen of the Internet when it comes to surfing it.
My dad made it so that my computer is brighter on one screen and now every thing is so bright. Like, Cosmo almost doesn't look gray on the title picture and text appears to shrink.
Oh! I just remembered! I'm not allergic to shrimp anymore!!! Sooooooooooooooo exciting!!!! I don't know if I've said that before because I get everything that has to do with the computer confused. But this means that the only thing that I'm (barely) allergic to is pollen!
How do I know I'm not allergic? Because at my grandparent's house we had this country boil thing that had sausage, corn, onions, garlic, potatoes, and SHRIMP. And I looked at the shrimp and thought, "why don't I just go all out there and try one." and I never suffered anything from them! I didn't think I would still be allergic to shellfish since the last time I had them was when I was two or something. I can't remember it's been so long. But I've heard that a lot of childhood allergies wear off. I just didn't want to risk trying stuff. But I realized a while ago that I couldn't be completely allergic since I'd had a piece of broccoli that fell out of a Chinese food container that contained shrimp, but I wasn't really sure how much allergic. But now I'm not at all and...
Now I'm rambling again, and I'm sorry, but you can get over it because this is really exciting! I should celebrate and go to Red Lobsters!!!
Okay guys! If you write something into the little google search bar on Google Gravity, it will dump a whole bunch of images and links onto the page. I wrote my blog address and it came up with a whole bunch of pictures from my blog. Then I did Muppet's blog address and I think there must be a glitch because it keeps showing pictures from my blog. You should try it for some extra laughs!