If not a little tiring. But after relaxing for a little while, I feel more energized. But why would I be tired in the first place? The answer is quite simple: I had Drama Camp today. At a different place. I was hoping that maybe I would have less problems at this other place than the last one. I was right...at least so far. Muppet is doing it with me so I have someone to back me up if things head south. But so far, everybody seems pretty nice.
To begin with, I had some paperwork to sign (or more like my mother did). I put my lunch box on a table where others were sitting and I got a myself a name tag from another table. Which is still in my pants pocket; folded up because it stopped being sticky. And the director (I'll call her Ms. Mo here) knew my name by the end of the day. Which is funny because I'm always the one with a name that no one can remember correctly. But that's okay. I've started to get used to other people calling me different names; especially the people who confuse me for one of my sisters. But back on subject.
After I drew a butterfly on my name tag (that's like my symbol; it represents me in many ways) I went into the theater with Muppet and sat on stage while we waited for the others to arrive. Oh, and there are like 50 or so people. That's really not too many, or at least compared to the 70 kids at the last drama camp I've been to. But small is good. There's less names to memorize.
When enough people came we started to play Wax Museum (or statue or night watchmen or what ever you call it). Basically, you have one person who walks around all of the other people and those other people are supposed to pose. Those people change their poses without the "watchmen" seeing you move. If you get caught moving, you're out.
We (sometime before or after that; I forgot) sat in a circle on stage (which of course isn't very easy with that many people, we looked much more hmm...bean shaped?) and Ms. M told us what was happening that day (and that week for that matter) and the dos and don'ts, that sort of thing.
After that, hmm... I can't think of events in order and I think I may have forgotten some things, but you can't get mad at me because I'm tired and then I would get angry with you and that wouldn't be good.
We learned some of the songs, but I've kind of forgotten some of the tunes. I hope I'll be able to sing for auditions tomorrow. I wonder if I'll get the part of Snow White because I can sing soprano, I have the palest skin (of the oldest kid's group for sure and I have no doubt most of the younger kids too), and I have pretty dark hair. Not that I want that part...But also not that I don't want that part. But that's one of those parts everyone wants and (no doubt) some little eight year old would fit the part better than a teenager like me. Plus I'm certain Snow White doesn't have wickedly curly hair. I was thinking I should go along with a role that's closer too all the other roles I've played: someone old, crazy, and hilarious. Although, most of my roles haven't been old ladies. Only one. But really, I think crazy characters have always suited my personality better. I just don't want to be in the chorus. If someone next to me is singing off key, I can't sing on tune either.
But auditions are tomorrow. Long story short: I sang, played games, learned about auditions, realized that I had a dance performance in this same place when I was seven, and met new people. Speaking of auditions, I have something to read about auditions, so until tomorrow!
About Me

- Cosmo Pluffkin
- The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
- I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...
Monday, July 30, 2012
Today was....AWESOME!!!!
stuff that appears in this post:
Drama Camp,
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Just to Complain a Little...
I like Blogger a lot but I'm not very happy with the advertisements that have started to appear. My favorite thing about blogger was that there weren't any advertisements. But, I guess, the advertisements are to make blogger free. I just don't like advertisements because they usually lie and are very bad things. I don't like how colorful and inviting they are and I especially hate it when I start reading them absentmindedly while I'm trying to blog. Blogging is supposed to be fun and my blog is supposed to be inviting. I'm not having any fun reading my page views when there two fat advertisements on top of them and I'm certain my blog looks less friendly with annoying advertisements sitting at the top of the page. I hope you know that I would get rid of them if I could, but obviously I can't. So please ignore the advertisements.
stuff that appears in this post:
Monday, July 23, 2012
Rain on me
It's been a long weekend. And now it's Monday and the rain is dreary. But I guess I shouldn't complain since the rain is what keeps us alive. But the rain always comes when I feel like I need it least. It feels that way with other things too, though. Not just rain, but timing for things in general. Sometimes I really think we underestimate God's timing for things in life. Sometimes we grumble when it's raining on that one perfect day to go visit the beach. Sometimes it's that some house hold appliance breaks down just when we're getting ready to go on vacation. Sometimes the computer crashes and you lose all you files while you're trying to write something important. But we need to think about these things.
They could very well be "Blessings in disguise" to quote Laura Story. It happens all the time for me. Something will just pop up just when I'm least expecting it and instead of thinking about it as something to improve my future, I'll get angry at it for it being there to begin with.
In these times the two things we need most is hope, to hope that circumstances will get better, to hope that pain will lessen; and trust, trust that God will take care of things. The worst things that happen to you won't last forever; nothing lasts forever except for God's love and your eternity after death. Think of it like this, twenty years from now, will it matter that you didn't get to do something or to finish that one document or even win that one game? Not really. By that time you may have even forgotten, so why worry about it? Don't stress yourself out over something that's out of your hands. We can't predict the next weather forecast...But God can...
They could very well be "Blessings in disguise" to quote Laura Story. It happens all the time for me. Something will just pop up just when I'm least expecting it and instead of thinking about it as something to improve my future, I'll get angry at it for it being there to begin with.
In these times the two things we need most is hope, to hope that circumstances will get better, to hope that pain will lessen; and trust, trust that God will take care of things. The worst things that happen to you won't last forever; nothing lasts forever except for God's love and your eternity after death. Think of it like this, twenty years from now, will it matter that you didn't get to do something or to finish that one document or even win that one game? Not really. By that time you may have even forgotten, so why worry about it? Don't stress yourself out over something that's out of your hands. We can't predict the next weather forecast...But God can...
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Kittens Are Cuddly, Kittens Are Cute
Yes they are. We visited a friend of ours and babysat their twin girls while they were out running errands. They are getting so big! But what was really surprising was that they got a new kitten. They had one to begin with and they got two more but one of them died so there's only one now. But I swear that he looks like a dwarfed version (and slightly less rusty colored) Cosmo. He was so adorable! Oh my gosh, he was only five weeks old! Can you imagine how small he is? I can pick him up with one hand.
I fed him his bottle in the cardboard box he sleeps in. I don't recall ever bottle feeding anything in my life before, but it was really great. When he was finished eating he would start playing with the bottle so I put it back in the fridge. Then I pet him to sleep and occasionally stroked him while he slept. He purred for me a few times. It's amazing how big a purr can come from such a tiny cat. Then I spent time holding him and allowing him to explore on the floor and kept him away from the rocking recliner. I've had 'experiences' with rocking chairs and feet and I didn't want him hiding underneath it. Soon I got tired of pulling him away from the chair and put him back in his box to sleep.
Most of my time was spent petting the kitten and watching the strange shows on Disney Junior. Once I stepped from my post by the box and helped the girls with markers and one other time to do puzzles with them. Then, of course, it was time to leave and I reluctantly left the kitten to his nap. Cute little thing...
I fed him his bottle in the cardboard box he sleeps in. I don't recall ever bottle feeding anything in my life before, but it was really great. When he was finished eating he would start playing with the bottle so I put it back in the fridge. Then I pet him to sleep and occasionally stroked him while he slept. He purred for me a few times. It's amazing how big a purr can come from such a tiny cat. Then I spent time holding him and allowing him to explore on the floor and kept him away from the rocking recliner. I've had 'experiences' with rocking chairs and feet and I didn't want him hiding underneath it. Soon I got tired of pulling him away from the chair and put him back in his box to sleep.
Most of my time was spent petting the kitten and watching the strange shows on Disney Junior. Once I stepped from my post by the box and helped the girls with markers and one other time to do puzzles with them. Then, of course, it was time to leave and I reluctantly left the kitten to his nap. Cute little thing...
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
We learned about this some in this book called Lies Young Woman Believe. It's an interesting book and really inspiring and it really does help. I already knew the lies about beauty and that sort of thing. That beauty is fleeting and it really doesn't matter what you look like...That really, to me, seems kind of like something that we all learn when we're little. I think everyone should know this as a fact that you're a beautiful person no matter what others tell you and that beauty is more than just skin deep.
Well, I really thought about it more and realized that there are people out there that beat themselves up because they don't look like people on Teen Vogue magazine or some idiotic advertisement that shouldn't exist. Really people get real! Seriously God loves you! He sent His son to die for you! Isn't that enough? Now you're going to ignore this post because, "Oh no she's getting religious again. I'm not listening to this stuff. My Sunday school teacher already told me this is first grade! I shouldn't have to listen to some dumb teenager blabber about this subject." Now you're going to click the "Next Blog" button to see if there's another more helpful blog out there. Well, this blog post may very well not be written for you. I'm writing for the One who made me. So don't think this is a whole bunch of garbage.
See. I think us older folks just need to be reminded sometimes that it's not important what the people around us think of ourselves, but what God thinks of us. Now you're thinking, "well how do I know what God thinks of me if he won't talk to me". Well, God has already spoken. He wrote an entire book just for you about what he wants to tell you. He wants you to improve your inner beauty more than your outer beauty. To be stronger in Him. To show love and peace towards all.
That's way more important than applying mascara to your eyelashes.
And I know this is a blog and that everyone in the universe will probably read this so, I'm not just projecting to all you Christians out there. I really don't care what you believe. You are wonderful people and sometimes we don't believe that about ourselves. I know I don't. Take it from someone who's been there. I've never been much for extremes but my mental self feels blows that I don't show. I'm certain I've posted before complaining about how people don't like me because I'm different. It's easy to spot someone with dark curly hair and a pair of glasses in a crowd of straight-haired, contact wearing teenagers.
The important thing for all people is that we never hang onto insults. That's how we get led down the wrong path. You believe the lies then you act on them and you can only make things worse trying to make yourself appeal more to others. You can make your situation better by holding onto compliments. But don't start bragging that someone said you have a great smile or fine colored eyes. You should never have to put others down to make yourself feel better. Just hold onto those thoughts and the next time someone tells you something hurtful, remember the ups, not the downs. Don't let a few words put you down. Cry if you want too, show emotion. It's really okay, we aren't all rocks, but don't let something ruin your week, month, year, or life. Don't hold it over you that you're an awful person. We can't all be perfect and even (especially) celebrities with all the good looks get words like daggers thrown at them.
So cheer up, there are other more important people out there that love you exactly the way you are. You are more special than you could ever put words to and you better believe it. Just remember, God does not make garbage. And when you feel unloved, remember that God is love and He will always love you. There is not a person He doesn't love. Remember my last post, God even loves the devil.
let's make it clear:
God is love and love is God. He loves you and there is nothing that He wouldn't do for you.
Nothing's Up
Which is a lie because the sky is up. Also, God is up there in the sky watching you and He is most decidedly not nothing. And God did not create nothing, he created people and plants and water and clouds (which, by the way, are also up). But I'm getting far too much ahead of myself.
I want to write something inspiring. But I have nothing. Which is also a lie! Let's not get into that shall we? But I want to say something on this blog that causes 200 people to follow my blog. It's not happening.
Or is it?
Awwwwwww.......The computer is meowing, must be AOL or something. I wouldn't know. I don't have an AOL account. But Gmail usually works pretty well for me so I shouldn't complain. Well, My one complaint is that I can't seem to find labs much less, themes on it. I used to know how to get to things, but since Gmail changed it's look, I can't find any of it. So I'm stuck with beach theme for all eternity, but oh well. Life happens. And like I said, I shouldn't complain. I could be stuck with some boring theme.
I still want to say something inspiring on my blog or tell you a memorable story. Once I learned something really interesting from this one retreat at some other church from my own and I learned the God loves everyone. But that everyone includes everyone. God even loves the devil. That just struck me as odd, but really amazing. I never thought of it like that before.
As that guy on Joy FM says, "You think about that."
I want to write something inspiring. But I have nothing. Which is also a lie! Let's not get into that shall we? But I want to say something on this blog that causes 200 people to follow my blog. It's not happening.
Or is it?
Awwwwwww.......The computer is meowing, must be AOL or something. I wouldn't know. I don't have an AOL account. But Gmail usually works pretty well for me so I shouldn't complain. Well, My one complaint is that I can't seem to find labs much less, themes on it. I used to know how to get to things, but since Gmail changed it's look, I can't find any of it. So I'm stuck with beach theme for all eternity, but oh well. Life happens. And like I said, I shouldn't complain. I could be stuck with some boring theme.
I still want to say something inspiring on my blog or tell you a memorable story. Once I learned something really interesting from this one retreat at some other church from my own and I learned the God loves everyone. But that everyone includes everyone. God even loves the devil. That just struck me as odd, but really amazing. I never thought of it like that before.
As that guy on Joy FM says, "You think about that."
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Back in the blogging groove! MEEHEE HEE HEE!!!
Maybe. I don't know that I have anything to blog about...NO THAT'S A LIE! I simply don't feel like blogging. Then, why am I blogging? Because I have things to blog about and no book to read for the time being. Well, if I felt like it, I could finish reading The Hiding Place once and for all, but I'm doing this thing called Total Language Plus and it only lets you read a certain amount of the book per lesson and I'm already farther than I should be as it is. I seriously have one more chapter and an epilogue and it's the end of Corrie Ten Boom. I want to read more Edge Chronicles or get the third Kingdom Keepers book from the library (I never finished it; I'm on page 293).
We did our final performance of Jerusalem's most wanted and it went well. There were a couple parts where I was thinking, uh oh, someone is going to notice that, but then I had moments where I was thinking, that's the best we've ever done! And everyone did really well, the audience loved it. I had nothing to worry about.
I'm having trouble blogging right now because the TV is being distracting. My brother and my father are watching these strange and cool "surviving" Doctor Who clips. Some of the video is missing video and only the audio is left and some of the clips are spotty. Like you'll be watching the scene one minute and the next minute, the dialogue continues while the picture is black. And in one of the episodes is only audio. It's really strange. I didn't think that such a thing existed. I like the new Doctor Who's better than the old ones. I think it's because there's much more action and it looks so much more realistic. And the theme song is awesomer. If that's a word.
We did our final performance of Jerusalem's most wanted and it went well. There were a couple parts where I was thinking, uh oh, someone is going to notice that, but then I had moments where I was thinking, that's the best we've ever done! And everyone did really well, the audience loved it. I had nothing to worry about.
I'm having trouble blogging right now because the TV is being distracting. My brother and my father are watching these strange and cool "surviving" Doctor Who clips. Some of the video is missing video and only the audio is left and some of the clips are spotty. Like you'll be watching the scene one minute and the next minute, the dialogue continues while the picture is black. And in one of the episodes is only audio. It's really strange. I didn't think that such a thing existed. I like the new Doctor Who's better than the old ones. I think it's because there's much more action and it looks so much more realistic. And the theme song is awesomer. If that's a word.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
And that is the song that one of actor's brother made up. And it is so catchy! I like traffic lights, I like traffic lights, I like traffic lights, but only when they're green! And then we altered the lyrics so it goes like this (for all you Pirates fans) : I like Jack Sparrow, I like Jack Sparrow, I like Jack Sparrow, but only when he's free! And then another actor got angry at us for singing it so much and started singing: I hate traffic lights all the time! Then it's awesome because you can harmonize it if you'd like. Now it sounds like one of those voice warm up songs.
Besides traffic lights, our performance went normally...or at least as normal as us actor can get. It's hard to remain calm when you're so nervous about everything. Yesterday, while we were doing our preview, I missed one of my lines because I was about to say it when one of the actors cut me off, I was very anxious as to whether or not people noticed, not that there were many people in the audience to see the preview. But I don't think anyone really noticed my mistake, and if they did, they didn't tell me. But it was even better because the line I missed happened to be one of the annoying and seemingly unnecessary lines where I say, "I wonder..." I mean, saying I wonder twice within three lines is too much wondering for one character, in my opinion.
Also, on one of the songs, we sang the chorus one too many times so it was off until we altered one of the verses and started singing the chorus after the first line of the last verse. Not that any of this is making any sense to you. But besides those two things and the fact that it took a while for us to find one of the folding chairs that we were using as props, everything went as planned.
Besides traffic lights, our performance went normally...or at least as normal as us actor can get. It's hard to remain calm when you're so nervous about everything. Yesterday, while we were doing our preview, I missed one of my lines because I was about to say it when one of the actors cut me off, I was very anxious as to whether or not people noticed, not that there were many people in the audience to see the preview. But I don't think anyone really noticed my mistake, and if they did, they didn't tell me. But it was even better because the line I missed happened to be one of the annoying and seemingly unnecessary lines where I say, "I wonder..." I mean, saying I wonder twice within three lines is too much wondering for one character, in my opinion.
Also, on one of the songs, we sang the chorus one too many times so it was off until we altered one of the verses and started singing the chorus after the first line of the last verse. Not that any of this is making any sense to you. But besides those two things and the fact that it took a while for us to find one of the folding chairs that we were using as props, everything went as planned.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Busted Nails
They hurt a lot. Just saying. And they aren't fun. But it's these sorts of things that make you realize how much you use things. Not just busted nails, but also braces, a broken air conditioning or a week and half away from your computer. Sometimes I try to think of things, not as torture but as times to learn and times to pray. Times to hope. Times to grow. Times to strengthen. See, God isn't just trying to irritate you or punish you, God is simply testing you. God is testing you with little things so that later on you can handle the bigger things.
These are the times when you just have to let go and except your circumstances and believe that it is going to get better with time. Sure my thumb hurts right now, but I'm not going to let that bother me too much. I need to learn to use my left hand occasionally so that if later on in life, if I get my right hand bitten of by bear or a shark or something large and dangerous like that, I will be able to handle it and learn to be left handed instead of right.
God also uses these moments to hear you pray. God wants to hear you, perhaps you haven't prayed in a while, maybe God is using this catastrophe to bring you closer to him.
"What if blessings come through raindrops?" Laura Story
These are the times when you just have to let go and except your circumstances and believe that it is going to get better with time. Sure my thumb hurts right now, but I'm not going to let that bother me too much. I need to learn to use my left hand occasionally so that if later on in life, if I get my right hand bitten of by bear or a shark or something large and dangerous like that, I will be able to handle it and learn to be left handed instead of right.
God also uses these moments to hear you pray. God wants to hear you, perhaps you haven't prayed in a while, maybe God is using this catastrophe to bring you closer to him.
"What if blessings come through raindrops?" Laura Story
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Lots to Say Here!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So much to get caught up on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our performance is really coming together. People are mostly remembering their lines and the choreography is great. Today I was feeling particularly under the weather and drowsy and I found it more difficult for me to conjure up lines that I knew existed but couldn't remember how they went exactly. I think I wasted all the energy I had for out first run threw so I was left feeling exhausted. I tried napping in the car and I felt like I could have napped longer. But now I'm much too awake to think about sleep.
As for my teeth, they feel fabulously fresh if I do say so myself. I know longer have to deal with pesky braces and I'm supposed to wear my retainer for three days. But that was Tuesday so I should be able to practice lines without this thingy in my mouth easier.
I'm really enjoying the Edge Chronicles, just to let you know. If you're looking for good books to read this summer I highly suggest this series (and this is coming from someone who is very finicky about what she reads). I'll (try) not to spoil anything from the series on my blog, but no guarantees.
I watched the Avengers TV show today. I like it for a cartoon show. I think right now I'm just entranced with all of the old TV shows that my mother used to watch like The Dick Van Dyke show, Emergency, and that sort of thing. I don't know why I like them so much, I mean, they're really fake. But there's just something so warm and inviting about old shows. New shows, like the ones on Disney Channel, kind of shut me off. I just don't feel any attachment for the characters and the plots are dry like Disney is running out of ideas for good kids shows. And not just Disney, there are other channels with annoying shows too.
So I guess that concludes this post. I thought I had more to say, but apparently my mind decided otherwise. Well, my book is calling me...
Our performance is really coming together. People are mostly remembering their lines and the choreography is great. Today I was feeling particularly under the weather and drowsy and I found it more difficult for me to conjure up lines that I knew existed but couldn't remember how they went exactly. I think I wasted all the energy I had for out first run threw so I was left feeling exhausted. I tried napping in the car and I felt like I could have napped longer. But now I'm much too awake to think about sleep.
As for my teeth, they feel fabulously fresh if I do say so myself. I know longer have to deal with pesky braces and I'm supposed to wear my retainer for three days. But that was Tuesday so I should be able to practice lines without this thingy in my mouth easier.
I'm really enjoying the Edge Chronicles, just to let you know. If you're looking for good books to read this summer I highly suggest this series (and this is coming from someone who is very finicky about what she reads). I'll (try) not to spoil anything from the series on my blog, but no guarantees.
I watched the Avengers TV show today. I like it for a cartoon show. I think right now I'm just entranced with all of the old TV shows that my mother used to watch like The Dick Van Dyke show, Emergency, and that sort of thing. I don't know why I like them so much, I mean, they're really fake. But there's just something so warm and inviting about old shows. New shows, like the ones on Disney Channel, kind of shut me off. I just don't feel any attachment for the characters and the plots are dry like Disney is running out of ideas for good kids shows. And not just Disney, there are other channels with annoying shows too.
So I guess that concludes this post. I thought I had more to say, but apparently my mind decided otherwise. Well, my book is calling me...
Saturday, July 7, 2012
I'm listening to lot's of good music right now: Trout Fishing in America, John Denver, Simon and Garfunkle, Cat Stevens... and as they say in The King And I: "etc. etc. etc."
It's incredibly hot right now. Too bad my shorts are in the laundry. I'm stuck wearing long jeans right now. We have all of the fans on and even though our air conditioner is fixed, it's still hot.
We watched Captain America last night. I loved the movie but the ending was annoying because Captain America wakes up after being frozen for seventy years in a shock when he realizes that his surroundings have changed and then it's the end of the movie. I was left wishing there was more.
I'm hoping to put more pictures and videos on my computer after I finish playing Heroica with my brother. Then maybe I'll convert some videos so I can watch them on my computer.
It's incredibly hot right now. Too bad my shorts are in the laundry. I'm stuck wearing long jeans right now. We have all of the fans on and even though our air conditioner is fixed, it's still hot.
We watched Captain America last night. I loved the movie but the ending was annoying because Captain America wakes up after being frozen for seventy years in a shock when he realizes that his surroundings have changed and then it's the end of the movie. I was left wishing there was more.
I'm hoping to put more pictures and videos on my computer after I finish playing Heroica with my brother. Then maybe I'll convert some videos so I can watch them on my computer.
Friday, July 6, 2012
And in the end...
Long story short: my favorite instructor will no longer be doing Zumba anymore. Now that LA Fitness has taken over, they are forcing Zumba instructors to use only Zumba music that does not include a Warm Up or Cool Down Track. They were contradicting what Zumba said which was that you could use as much variety of music as you wanted as long as you use 70% Latin music. The instructor said that she could not do that. Part of Zumba is that people get to pick their music and choreography so you can see how differently they shine. LA Fitness won't allow these differences. She asked to just teach this finale class and LA Fitness told her that they no longer need her services. Then she asked if perhaps she could just tell everyone that she wouldn't be doing Zumba anymore. LA Fitness wouldn't even allow that! There is just no justice, respect, or compassion for anyone. They did they even think that maybe that this move would be losing many customers? And it gets worse! We checked in to see what they would say and they told everyone that the Zumba instructor called in sick last minute and that there would be no class. Which is the lamest excuse since, this is the Zumba instructor who has never called in sick and even if allergies were restraining her voice she would still make it.
I really, really, really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really am not happy with L.A. Fitness. For being so mean to not only the instructors, but the customers too.
I really, really, really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really,really, really am not happy with L.A. Fitness. For being so mean to not only the instructors, but the customers too.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
I love making cute creatures with letters and numbers. I think there's a name for it but clearly I've forgotten.
(( ))
^ ^
( )__)
( )__)
! !
( _ _ )*
If blogger cooperates they should look like an owl, cat and bunny. If not...I'm not sure what they'll look like...
Not much to say...NOT!
Hey there! I don't have much to say right now. Mostly because I'm really tired from being at Drama Club all day. I keep thinking today is Wednesday because I can't get over the fact that Drama Club is on a Thursday. Except next week. Then we'll be spending most all of our time there at Drama Club practicing over and over and over again.
Today acting went pretty well. People mostly remembered their lines. But Game Guy didn't show up again. He said he wanted to do this, so why didn't he come? For two Drama Club days in a row? Oh well. And the person playing the angel didn't show either. At first I thought maybe she was just late, but she didn't show up at all. At least everyone else was there. But Game Guy has to be there on Tuesday because our director is going to be out of town for some reason that I can't remember because I was exhausted by the end of Drama Club. And worried. About costumes.
My mom found me some shoes to wear and we're going to return the Faded Glory converse whatevers that I wanted to wear originally. She told me if I really wanted them, I could pay her for them, but I'm trying to save up some cash to go to Down Town Disney with Muppet in between the end of Homeschool Drama Club and the start of the Drama Camp we're going to do together.
What was I saying? Oh! Costumes. The director wants me to put my hair in a scarf or something for my part as Mary Magdalene. I don't know how that's going to work since I'm not really a hair person. I can put my hair in a ponytail and a headband. I can't braid hair. At least not my own. And I just learned how to braid friendship bracelets. Muppet ended up with the only one I've ever made. I know, you think I'm strange now because I've just learned how to braid. Hey, I never played with dolls when I was little. The only two I've ever owned were a Bitty Baby (which of course doesn't have hair to braid) and a doll named Logan. I never took her hair out of the pigtails they were in.
Rather than dolls, I much preferred stuffed animals, plastic animals, and plastic dinosaurs. I remember when I was four or five and I slept with a large plastic flamingo. I don't remember what I had named it. But I would pretend it was the mother of Pinky the flamingo Beany Baby.
Whoa. that was strange. My mouse turned off. I freaked out for a moment thinking that I had lost my entire blog post. But here I am! What was the subject of this post anyways? La de da... Ah, Drama Club, Costumes, Braids, dolls, plastic flamingos... Um... The subject was RANDOM that's what all of my blog posts should be labeled. Then I would just spend I second labeling them all. Hmm... Maybe I'll do that. from now on, my blog posts will be labeled random. Because I would hate to go back and relabel things that I spent so much time on labeling.
My posts vary so much. One minute I'll be telling you about something boring like how I hate school and the next moment I'll be going on about how annoying the new Discover.com commercials are. Then I'll begin reciting it for you, "Free range chicken, pancake stack, baked Alaska, 5% cash back..."
Point proven. Except I can't remember what I was proving because now I've spent so much time conveying my point. I think I was saying something about labels. Labels can be mean...if you use them on people. But they're helpful for organizing spices.
Wow. I thought I had nothing to say. Apparently I'm always talkative even when I'm tired. Except I already knew that was true because I'll start talking when I'm exhausted just to stay awake. And then I get really loud and annoying when I'm tired because I'm also trying to not fall asleep. I'm naturally annoying. Like that Trol lol lol guy on YouTube. Or Nyan cat. Wait a second. What's with YouTube and annoying videos? Maybe it's just me being annoying and liking annoying things so watch them. Like the Duck Song. Or Honey Bear. Or when I go on and on with the "Crazy? I was crazy once..." thing. And half of this is Muppet's influence so maybe that explains why she doesn't think I'm annoying but my siblings do even though I'm just as obnoxious for both. Maybe it's because she's an only child so she doesn't know the meaning of annoying because she doesn't live with an irritating baby sister like my two sisters have to put up with. I don't know. Can you tell I'm confusing myself now? Ouch, my brain hurts now. I think I need to go and untangle my mind now...
What mind is like on the inside: shades of gray and rainbow.
Today acting went pretty well. People mostly remembered their lines. But Game Guy didn't show up again. He said he wanted to do this, so why didn't he come? For two Drama Club days in a row? Oh well. And the person playing the angel didn't show either. At first I thought maybe she was just late, but she didn't show up at all. At least everyone else was there. But Game Guy has to be there on Tuesday because our director is going to be out of town for some reason that I can't remember because I was exhausted by the end of Drama Club. And worried. About costumes.
My mom found me some shoes to wear and we're going to return the Faded Glory converse whatevers that I wanted to wear originally. She told me if I really wanted them, I could pay her for them, but I'm trying to save up some cash to go to Down Town Disney with Muppet in between the end of Homeschool Drama Club and the start of the Drama Camp we're going to do together.
What was I saying? Oh! Costumes. The director wants me to put my hair in a scarf or something for my part as Mary Magdalene. I don't know how that's going to work since I'm not really a hair person. I can put my hair in a ponytail and a headband. I can't braid hair. At least not my own. And I just learned how to braid friendship bracelets. Muppet ended up with the only one I've ever made. I know, you think I'm strange now because I've just learned how to braid. Hey, I never played with dolls when I was little. The only two I've ever owned were a Bitty Baby (which of course doesn't have hair to braid) and a doll named Logan. I never took her hair out of the pigtails they were in.
Rather than dolls, I much preferred stuffed animals, plastic animals, and plastic dinosaurs. I remember when I was four or five and I slept with a large plastic flamingo. I don't remember what I had named it. But I would pretend it was the mother of Pinky the flamingo Beany Baby.
Whoa. that was strange. My mouse turned off. I freaked out for a moment thinking that I had lost my entire blog post. But here I am! What was the subject of this post anyways? La de da... Ah, Drama Club, Costumes, Braids, dolls, plastic flamingos... Um... The subject was RANDOM that's what all of my blog posts should be labeled. Then I would just spend I second labeling them all. Hmm... Maybe I'll do that. from now on, my blog posts will be labeled random. Because I would hate to go back and relabel things that I spent so much time on labeling.
My posts vary so much. One minute I'll be telling you about something boring like how I hate school and the next moment I'll be going on about how annoying the new Discover.com commercials are. Then I'll begin reciting it for you, "Free range chicken, pancake stack, baked Alaska, 5% cash back..."
Point proven. Except I can't remember what I was proving because now I've spent so much time conveying my point. I think I was saying something about labels. Labels can be mean...if you use them on people. But they're helpful for organizing spices.
Wow. I thought I had nothing to say. Apparently I'm always talkative even when I'm tired. Except I already knew that was true because I'll start talking when I'm exhausted just to stay awake. And then I get really loud and annoying when I'm tired because I'm also trying to not fall asleep. I'm naturally annoying. Like that Trol lol lol guy on YouTube. Or Nyan cat. Wait a second. What's with YouTube and annoying videos? Maybe it's just me being annoying and liking annoying things so watch them. Like the Duck Song. Or Honey Bear. Or when I go on and on with the "Crazy? I was crazy once..." thing. And half of this is Muppet's influence so maybe that explains why she doesn't think I'm annoying but my siblings do even though I'm just as obnoxious for both. Maybe it's because she's an only child so she doesn't know the meaning of annoying because she doesn't live with an irritating baby sister like my two sisters have to put up with. I don't know. Can you tell I'm confusing myself now? Ouch, my brain hurts now. I think I need to go and untangle my mind now...
What mind is like on the inside: shades of gray and rainbow.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
I'm highly distractable if you haven't noticed. I missed post 100. So, Happy Blogg-iversary To Me! I just turned one hundred posts old! Hooray! Now lets try for 1000...
Heyo Kitty-o
I'm BACK. And I'm going to talk some more! Why aren't you excited? Oh, you're tired of me blabbering on about my life? Well... TAKE THIS!
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