We learned about this some in this book called Lies Young Woman Believe. It's an interesting book and really inspiring and it really does help. I already knew the lies about beauty and that sort of thing. That beauty is fleeting and it really doesn't matter what you look like...That really, to me, seems kind of like something that we all learn when we're little. I think everyone should know this as a fact that you're a beautiful person no matter what others tell you and that beauty is more than just skin deep.
Well, I really thought about it more and realized that there are people out there that beat themselves up because they don't look like people on Teen Vogue magazine or some idiotic advertisement that shouldn't exist. Really people get real! Seriously God loves you! He sent His son to die for you! Isn't that enough? Now you're going to ignore this post because, "Oh no she's getting religious again. I'm not listening to this stuff. My Sunday school teacher already told me this is first grade! I shouldn't have to listen to some dumb teenager blabber about this subject." Now you're going to click the "Next Blog" button to see if there's another more helpful blog out there. Well, this blog post may very well not be written for you. I'm writing for the One who made me. So don't think this is a whole bunch of garbage.
See. I think us older folks just need to be reminded sometimes that it's not important what the people around us think of ourselves, but what God thinks of us. Now you're thinking, "well how do I know what God thinks of me if he won't talk to me". Well, God has already spoken. He wrote an entire book just for you about what he wants to tell you. He wants you to improve your inner beauty more than your outer beauty. To be stronger in Him. To show love and peace towards all.
That's way more important than applying mascara to your eyelashes.
And I know this is a blog and that everyone in the universe will probably read this so, I'm not just projecting to all you Christians out there. I really don't care what you believe. You are wonderful people and sometimes we don't believe that about ourselves. I know I don't. Take it from someone who's been there. I've never been much for extremes but my mental self feels blows that I don't show. I'm certain I've posted before complaining about how people don't like me because I'm different. It's easy to spot someone with dark curly hair and a pair of glasses in a crowd of straight-haired, contact wearing teenagers.
The important thing for all people is that we never hang onto insults. That's how we get led down the wrong path. You believe the lies then you act on them and you can only make things worse trying to make yourself appeal more to others. You can make your situation better by holding onto compliments. But don't start bragging that someone said you have a great smile or fine colored eyes. You should never have to put others down to make yourself feel better. Just hold onto those thoughts and the next time someone tells you something hurtful, remember the ups, not the downs. Don't let a few words put you down. Cry if you want too, show emotion. It's really okay, we aren't all rocks, but don't let something ruin your week, month, year, or life. Don't hold it over you that you're an awful person. We can't all be perfect and even (especially) celebrities with all the good looks get words like daggers thrown at them.
So cheer up, there are other more important people out there that love you exactly the way you are. You are more special than you could ever put words to and you better believe it. Just remember, God does not make garbage. And when you feel unloved, remember that God is love and He will always love you. There is not a person He doesn't love. Remember my last post, God even loves the devil.
let's make it clear:
God is love and love is God. He loves you and there is nothing that He wouldn't do for you.
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