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The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Lifestyles No More

A moment of silence for loss of Lifestyles...

Okay that's long enough!  Yeah, so another company apparently bought Lifestyles, so now the business is going to be LA Fitness.  Hopefully, it will continue to use the old Les Mills classes.  If it doesn't, I'm going to be very annoyed.  If they do happen to change them and do their own thing or whatever, I'm going to be much more than annoyed.  And if they plan on just being a place to run on machines, MUCHO annoyance.  I hope it doesn't end up being like Gold's Gym.  That place scares me.  It doesn't look family friendly to me, it looks more propelled towards body builders or something.  Obviously (points to self) not bodybuilding material.  But I haven't gone there...I don't think.

Off that subject!  I figured out how to make videos my background.  Right now it's a video of Cosmo and Sammy...But mostly Sammy.  And he's playing with the dangling cover on my camera.  And Cosmo walks in and bats a small loop of twisted pipe cleaners around.  I would show you but, remember my rant about how dumb blogger is because it doesn't let me post videos aside from those on YouTube?  No?  Well I just told you what that was about so don't sweat it.

Have I told you about how Muppet wants to make movie with me?  She wants to make one mocking the old tacky black-and-white sci-fi and horror movies.  But she was disappointed when I revealed that my camera only shoots in color.  I wish it could film in black-and-white and Sepia.  If it could do that, it would be the awesome-est camera ever.  But it doesn't.  If it dies, I'm going to get an advanced camera that has more options and a better direction manual.  But it has rechargeable batteries.  So it's not going to die anytime soon.

Aw, I'm listening to my playlist.  The random one that I constructed one day last week.  It's so random that the Beatles song Tell Me Why is played right after the Tell Me Why by Taylor Swift.

Well, I saw the Avengers.  And Brave.  And they were both perfectly good movies.  See, it annoys me when people obsess over good movies like the Avengers because it makes it so that people don't want to see it.  It's like Twilight.  Maybe if people weren't so obsessed with it, I might be more willing to read/watch it.  But everyone is obsessed with either how good or how awful it is.  It makes me not want to read it because lots of people from Drama Camp last year influenced me with how bad they think it is.  Maybe it's not the best grammar (as I've heard), but that doesn't mean it's a bad book.  I also am not fond of how, when it was popular, people in sixth grade and under read them.  That's just wrong.  It's an ADULT book for crying out loud.  When I was in eighth grade, I wasn't aloud to read them.  Why are nine and ten-year-old children reading them?  Because they're popular.  One person must have read them and said, "this is the reading level of a second grader.  Let's let them read them!"  Reading level is not the same as content.  And it's not just Twilight and it's not just books.  I was just using an example.  Movies have equal or more concern.  Young children should not be permitted to see a violent or disturbing movies.

Maybe it's just me, since I never watched PG-13 movies until I was fourteen.  On the other hand, there are ridiculous ratings for some movies.  Like, it Disney remade Dumbo and Pinocchio, they would probably be rated PG-13 because of the appearance of alcohol and cigars.  October Baby was rated PG-13 because of the word abortion and the mention of a drug.  It should be rated PG.  Those are basic things that everyone should know are bad for them.  Some of the Star Wars movies might be PG-13 now.  Speaking of ratings, Monk goes from TV PG to TV-14 in the next season.  Strange.

Well I have things to do (not really).

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