About Me

My photo
The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I Finally Have Six Followers!!! :)

So my cousin is now following my blog which makes me very happy.  It makes me feel like maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to achieve having 20 followers.  Well, one of my sisters is sort of following my blog...she just hasn't clicked the follow button.  Mostly because she doesn't have a blog or Google account to do so.

I'm tired out from so much Drama Club today.  It's exhausting to remember lines when the others don't know the rest of their lines. Notice I didn't say ALL of the others.  Muppet is rockin' her lines out!  And Al, he's just AMAZINGLY funny when he's doing the script called Social Stagnation.  A lot of the others are doing just as good as I am (I lose my train of thought sometimes). 

"Remember, it's not just a board game; it's a two-dimensional, recreational pastime!  (grins and gives a thumbs up)"

One of them JUST memorized her lines today.  It makes it really hard for me to do my lines when she won't let me say them and says a line that's two lines ahead of where it's supposed to be.  I have this one flaw in me when it comes to memorizing lines.  That's that when someone says a line out of context, my mind can't wrap around what's been said to the line that comes after that one line.  Besides that, I think I'm excellent with memorizing lines.

I've had Adele stuck in my head so long, I fear that if I don't listen to something soon, she's going to suck the brains out of my head!  LOL that sounded funny!

I can't wait for Saturday!  I get to go to my cousin's baby shower!

But before that is Friday, which I'll be able to be in this one dance scene for the Ruth film.  I get to see Muppet THREE times this week.

I want something interesting to blog about, but I can't think of anything!  Well, wait...On Monday I had a Confirmation meeting and NO ONE would talk to me.  I hate that feeling of being rejected....Being cast away...that no one will hear you....I want to be known.  I want people to talk to me.  My church needs to work on engaging people.  When I'm not in my homeschool group or at home with my family, there are only a couple of people who even care to welcome me with a smile or to say "hi" to.  Everybody at Youth Group has their own little clicks; their own friends.  They don't talk to me.  Even the ones that I've know since 6th grade don't say a word to me.

At Drama Club every other person smiles at you and jokes with you as you meet them.  We're even warm and friendly to the new people that nobody knows.  At Drama Club we include everybody.  At Youth Group, it leaves me feeling secluded.  When I think of Drama Club, I think of rainbows, butterflies, and Nyan Cat (LOL).  When I think of Youth Group, I think of newspapers, Bibles, and the color gray.

My heart feels gray
My mind wants to play
But lock just lock it up

Youth Group's as inviting
As vampires biting
And faces that won't say 'sup.

My heart feels like gold
I don't feel to old
for Drama club's fun

Drama's as inviting
as my first sighting
of the warm melting sun

I love it when I'm poetic like that.  Not that it's probably a good poem...But, you know!  I have to rhyme sometimes!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mo' Music. Mo' Happy.

'Mo of me to day.  That is Cos- Mo'. LOL.  Okay so it wasn't that funny...I thought you might like to listen to a ton of good music right now so I'm posting mo' of the good stuff. Yeah, I should stop with the mo' thing.  It's not really my style.

You are welcome.  Don't feel bad about singing along either.  I hope I have inspired you in some way.  These are the songs that inspire me.  These songs are the reason why I listen to Christian radio stations like the Joy FM.  These songs are the reason that I love music.  They show that music can be helpful and encouraging and that music can have a good message.

JJ Heller

I've heard other music from J.J Heller before and thought it was amazing.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Writing and Singing

My goodness.  The songs I've been posting lately are SO catchy.  I'm turning on something less catchy....oh wait, that would be hard.  All the songs I have get stuck in my head.  But supposedly if you sing the words to Amazing Grace to the tune of Gilligan's Island it's supposed to help get songs out of your head.  Except for the fact that I don't know the tune to Gilligan's Island because I've never watched that show.  The trick also works the other way around too.  Not that I know the words to Gilligan's Island.

So, I wrote a little bit of something on Saturday:

                “Ha, ha!” said Diamond, “That kid can’t even remember her own name.  Watch!”  Diamond was an ordinary teenager except for the fact that her hair grew in an unnatural shade of blue.  She swore she had never touched a wig or hair dye in her life.
She had been introducing her friend, 

And that was all I got to writing this weekend because the next day was spent at my grandparent's house Skyping my sister at college, eating ice cream, helping my brother and our cousin finish a computer game we were making, and listening to Pride and Prejudice while coloring in a color book with 120 crayons.

Later there was Youth Group.  That was where and when I learned about this creepy guy name Josef Cony.  If you don't know who he is, he's basically this guy who tortures children in Africa and forces them to be his soldiers to terrorize other peaceful peoples in Africa and he even makes the children-soldiers kill their own parents.  We watched a movie on people who were affected by him.  So apparently he based his attacks off the Ten Commandments...If that's true, I wonder what version of the Ten Commandments he read.  I recall them saying things like Thou Shalt Not Kill and Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.  People these days...

I'm off to play Minecraft and test out the new texture pack my brother made.  Oh, speaking of video games, Muppet FINALLY unlocked Diddy Kong on Mario Kart Wii.  Now I can be my favorite racing monkey in the whole world!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Someone Like You

This is also a good song.  But I guess I wouldn't be posting any songs that weren't good.  My sister at college had a talent show thing that she was doing with her friend and they played this song.  They didn't win, but many people congratulated them for their performance and some people said that they should have won.  One of those people being me.  My sister at college plays the piano when she comes home from college for Summer, Winter, Spring break.  She's really good at playing the piano.  But then you have Al who is almost a pro at playing the piano.  I went to one of his piano concerts and listened to him play and he definitely has some talent.  Well, so does my sister, but she just doesn't put on concerts.

My brother is humming Dr. Who theme rather loudly now and is making it difficult to write about Adele.

Adele is awesome because she's British.  British people have such pretty accents.  I wonder if I have an accent to British people.  I also wonder if British people sit at home trying to talk in an American accent like I sit at home trying to use a pitiful British accent.  But I think I can nail an accent of some kind when I'm doing my three lines as the judge in the Four Angry Pigs script I'm doing with my Drama Club.

So I wanted to write yesterday and instead was drawing pictures on Paint.  Today I'm going to do the opposite.  I really want to draw a good cover for Muppet's book that she's trying to write but I can't draw what I want to draw and it's frustrating.  Oh well.  I'll write instead.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Hi.  I'm back.  Again.  But you already figured that out.  I'm not really doing much right now besides doodling on Microsoft Paint and listening to music on Windows Media Player.  I heard rumors that I might be going mini-golfing later.  I might also be going to see the movie October Baby in theaters.

So far, I've been trying to draw a rose, which I just deleted because I couldn't draw the flower itself.  So I had a lovely looking stem with thorns on it, but nothing else.  I drew two cute kitties though:

Maybe I'll add to the orange cat picture.  I think the purple cat looks fabulous  Maybe that's just me though.  I think the purple cat is just adorable. I like how its eye turned out.

So I helped my mom with cleaning the house and folding the laundry.  I had lunch too.  But most people eat lunch.  Oh, and I also played Mario Kart with my brother.  He won...as usual.

So, I have this HUGE urge to write another story.  But when I opened Office Word up, I realized that I have no ideas about WHAT to write about.  So I closed Word and played on Paint as you saw above.

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! I love the purple cat!  I just want to hug it and squish it.  I want a purple cat.  Okay, that's enough from me about the purple cat.  BUT IT'S SO CUTE!!! MWA HA HA HA!!!

I said that's enough.


Yoga: control yourself you must!

I haven't heard from Yoga in a while, now.  Have I?

Oh my gosh!  That duck song is SO stuck in my head. Waddle, waddle.

I want to WRITE so badly!!! my fingers are itching for an interesting plot line.  I feel like if I'm going to write anything interesting, I have to turn my music off.

So I feel artsy today.  I decided that you might like to know how I draw cat eyes.  It really depends on what kind of cat you are drawing to determine how its eyes are going to be.  This cat eye is the kind of eye that the purple cat above has.

This should be a clear enough picture as to how to draw your cat eye.  Now YOU can make your own kitty eyes on Microsoft Paint!  Yay for kitties!

Friday, March 23, 2012


I instruct that you should not play all of the videos on my blog at once because I guaranty you will have a headache by the time all of the videos end.

So I forgot one of the other videos Al showed us today.

I love these things!  So cheerful and happy!

I is off to do fun stuff with mi familia now, so enjoy!

So, Yeah, I've Been Filming a lot.... Can You Tell?

So I  got to do more filming with Muppet on that modern day version of Ruth film that that one girl wrote.  We did this weepy scene that was supposed to take place after all of our boyfriends dumped us.  It was funny and dramatic and sad.

"I laughed, I cried...It moved me Bob!"--Larry the Cucumber.

So I don't know if cucumber really needed to be capitalized, but it's a title...I guess...whatever, you get the picture.

So then I learned today all who all of the characters were supposed to be.

Rita (the main character) is supposed to be Ruth.
Natalie (The other main character) is supposed to be Naomi.
Olivia (my character) is supposed to be Orpa.
Bobby is (The guy who ends up taking Rita and Natalie to the dance) supposed to be Boaz.

That's all I can remember.  I'm one of those people who isn't good with names.  Especially the unpronounceable type.

I'm sad now because my mom told me that after this film, there's not going to be any more drama club....For a couple of months.  That's not so bad, since I can surely invite Muppet over...but what about my other friends?  Sure, I have their emails....somewhere...But it would take to long to find them because they are in an email somewhere in the folder labeled Drama Club, Drama Crew.  I've got a ton of emails in that folder because whenever our drama club schedules something, they send out emails reminding us about the upcoming events.  Plus, the email is probably from last year and it might not have everyone.  Oh well...

So I've been fasting from Facebook which is another reason why I'm down.  I'm Catholic.  When it's Lent, I fast from things.  It just so happened that I decided that Facebook would be a great thing to fast from, since I JUST got it.  It's really, reaLLY. REALLY hard to do, but then, that's sacrifice.  But I shouldn't complain (even though I'm certain I have at one point or another) because then the sacrifice means nothing.

So BACK on the subject of filming.  While I WAS NOT filming I was chilling out with my other friends.  One of the guys that was waiting for his turn to film (He's probably going to be mentioned multiple times, so I'm going to use the simple name of Al for him) showed us these YouTube videos.  You can see them below:

So funny and cute.  I want a duck.  Al is great like that.

So I'm getting hungry.  For dinner of course.  I'll be back to blog some more tomorrow (hopefully).

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hello to Your Face!

Hello.  Yeah, so about my filming.  I kept being nervous that I was going to do terrible but it turns out, I DID AMAZING!!!! So I don't need to worry about filming much anymore and it isn't as hard as acting on a stage and is actually easier and better...When the conditions are right, that is.

It was annoying, because one of the parts was taken outside of Muppet's house because I was supposed to be going to my friend's house in the scene.  But, at first, it couldn't be done because there was a lawnmower that was being loud.  Then it got more difficult since then there were Spanish neighbors were yelling, jets were flying, impatient cars were honking, and strong winds were blowing.  So, we finally got a good shot of me, without the chaos around us but, of all things, the wind was the reason for me having to redo them on Friday.  Oh well.  So I don't get to forget all of those lines yet, so I can't breathe in relief until after filming on Friday.

Wednesday went well, from what I know.  We had Drama club as usual that day at 1:00, but we had to do it at the park, which was better than doing it at the bank since we could be as loud as we wanted.  The problem was that the baseball players could be as loud as they wanted too.  And then there were the baseball players who wore cleats and they scraped along the ground making irritating noises that were too loud for Muppet to do her skit with her friend.  They ended up yelling their lines out and the mom's decided that the noise was the baseball players applauding us, so they started clapping their hands at the baseball players.

Then the filming began.  The scene was supposed to take place at a park and some of the people are supposed to be "practicing" baseball.  But all of the fields were being used for the real baseball players so we filmed in the pavilion there at the park.

It's funny, because I don't have the updated version of the script, I didn't know there was an extra line for me until I read Muppet's script.  I had said aloud that I was thirsty and that should get a drink of water.  Then we started actually filming and I looked at the script to see what my extra line was and it said that I was supposed to say that I was thirsty and I was going to get some water.

After some filming, Muppet and I didn't have anymore lines to say for that point in time so we just talked to each other until our mom's came to pick us up.

I think out of all the people I've ever talked to, Muppet is the easiest and best to talk to.  She completely understands my train of thought no matter how complicated it seems. Plus she doesn't just sit there and listen to me blabber on nor does she just interject random nonsense when we're being serious.  She doesn't talk to much or to little and if she does talk to much, I don't notice because I'm talking just as much as she is or more.  Either way, I never feel like I'm hogging the conversation and I never feel like she's hogging the conversation.  I guess that's part of why I get along with her so much better than with anyone else.  All of the people at youth group talk about are random things that I can't join in with because I'm home-schooled and never heard of what their talking about or I don't care about it.  Like sports.  I don't know barely anything about sports, unless it's gymnastics.  Mostly because my brother does gymnastics. I know what a kip and iron cross is because of him.  But if it's any other sport, I don't know anything about it.  Except for bowling...and maybe tennis, but that's only Wii tennis.  I don't understand football, baseball, or any other kind of "ball" sport.  Like, why would you play football?  All you do is beat up people over a ball.  Seriously!  I prefer drawing lines on a computer more than that.

Oh well.  You can like what ever sport you like, but you are never going to catch me in the audience.  If you ever find me at a Superbowl party, I'll be there for the the food.  I would rather waste time playing Mario Kart than waste time in front of the TV watching a bunch of sweaty grown men attacking each other for a ball that doesn't even look like a ball because somebody decided that a strange pointy-ended sphere would be better to throw than and ordinary sphere.

Have a sunny day!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Now that Mozilla Firefox works again, I can blog normally

Yeah so an unfinished Windows Vista update occurred so Mozilla wouldn't open for me.  I had to use Internet Explorer and, I guess you can say that me and Internet Explorer don't get along well together, since on my Grandparent's computer it refuses to let Gmail work and on this computer, it is obstinate about letting me look at my blog or Facebook.  So, Mozilla is my friend since EVERYTHING works on it.  Plus, Mozilla instantly spell checks what I write.  This way my blog posts have less mistakes.

So, music...

That my friend is Jamie-Grace.  My dream is that she'll follow my blog.  She's so cool.  TobyMac is awesome too!  But I'm sure I've said that before.

I GET TO FILM TOMORROW!  Hooray!  I get to be in my first film!  I get to be one of the main characters in it.  So, I'm nervous about remembering my lines.  I've only done stage performances before, and I love the stage.   But I might like filming better since, if I mess up, I can be filmed again.  It's unpredictable about how this will turn out.  Oh cool!  I love that song!

So, YouTube is stupid and doesn't have Unpredictable.  I'll settle for this Francesca Battistelli song instead.

Mostly because technology drives me crazy.

Oh look!  My favorite Nyan Cat video!

Muppet showed me it on Thursday when I was waiting for my newly nail-polished nails to dry.  Now my nails look like ladybugs.

My brother had a gym competition on Friday and won fourth over all in the state on pummel.  It was cool.  Then I had a fit because I lost my pen in the great unknown and then got home and realized I had it all along.  I hate that.  So anyways.

I CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW!!! AND FILMING!!!  I feel so lucky to be in a film for some reason.  Even though it's not that big of a deal.  Like, people filmed me doing the Murder Mystery play last year and it's not on DVD or something.  It wasn't that big...so will this.  But I think it's cool that I'm going to be in an actual movie type thing.  With Muppet.  And this amazing girl who posts amazing things on Facebook.

Like: "A real girl isn't perfect.  But a perfect girl isn't real."

That one is one of my favorites.  Well, I have to go, I can't possibly blog ALL day.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Trying New Things

Like posting videos!!!!!  Check it out!

See!?  I can post videos normally now!  All thanks to Muppet. 

That's enough for one day!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Whiskers on Kittens--My Favorite Thing

Well, obviously.  You can tell since when I uploaded some of my pictures on Facebook one-hundred and two of them were of kitties and less than fifty of my pictures were of my friends.  Speak of the Pluffen, I get to go on Facebook tomorrow.  I gave up Facebook for lent, except for on Sundays.  So, since I only get an hour of computer time on the weekend, I will probably only use half of the hour on Facebook.

Since the title says "Kittens" I'll put some more paint pics.

 Yeah, he's staring at you; and NOBODY ELSE.
 I love this one.  "Even in the dark you can still see the light.  It's gonna be all right."--Matt Maher
 Even MORE Cosmo!
 And my favorite cartoon cat of all time!
 HEY! This isn't Cosmo!  What is the world coming to?
 Cosmo.  Again.
 and again.
 Oh look it's Firepaw.  I almost forgot how much I loved the Warriors series! Below is his beloved Sandpaw
 Later in the book series, their names get changed to Fireheart and Sandstorm.
 Sunny.  I was wondering where the pictures of her would come in.
 Teenage kittens!  Wait, that doesn't make any sense.
 Sunny.  Again
 Sunny plus drama equals Dramatically Cute
 I know people don't like black cat because they mean bad luck; but get over it.  They're really pretty to draw

 (music plays the tune of Sherry) Sunny.  Sunny kitten. Sunny.  Sunny kitten.
 More of Sunny.
Sam has and awesome tuxedo.  Real cats wear tuxedos.

That is the end of that.

So.  Since it's spring break, MY SISTER FROM COLLEGE CAME HOME!

OMG I have missed her Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.


PLUS, we get to eat chocolate fondue tonight.  Fondue is Fun to do.  Kinda like that saying "Underwear is fun to wear" except "Fondue is fun to do" is WAY better.

So I recently decided there should be a Twilight spin off called First Bite.  Only to my dismay to find out that it was a completely unoriginal thought since, APPARENTLY it had been done.  Oh well.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


HA HA!  I made an error in my last post.  Sorry if you felt like I tricked you into watching I'm Odd when you didn't really. the REAL song is this:


So there was drama and basically all that happened was a few games and a lot, A LOT of the script that I have only three lines in.  We had to redo it a ton because some of the people didn't quite have their lines memorized.  I have to say that I was very impressed with how well Muppet memorized her GINORMOUS monologue.  That thing is seriously as big as a monologue.

The good thing is that I might be getting another part in another script!

So excited!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cats, Music and Musical Cats


If you like cats and you like annoyingly cute music, you must listen to Nyan Cat.

If that's not your cup of tea, and you feel like Disney instead, go here for an awesome Cheshire Cat song:


And if you need something uplifting and you don't feel like cats at all, go here:


Hopefully these links will work.

Nothing is going on today...just school.  Basically the only new thing that has happened is that I went on a retreat at our church.  I made a surprise for Muppet but I can't say what it is because she'll probably read this and then have the surprise spoiled.

I could talk about our cat Sam and how he drives me bananas and pineapples.  He has left two presents for me this week...and if you know someone with cats or own one yourself you know that cat presents aren't ever good.  Like when I found that Sam knocked down my butterfly collection and when I walked into my room and there was an unpleasantly large dead lizard on my bedroom floor.  But at least he does something to get rid of the lizards that stray into our house.  Sunny (the black and white cat) sort of helps, but she's too scared of everything to actually attack a living creature.  Cosmo (the Tabby) is too lazy to do anything but eat, sleep and complain about how hungry she is.

I also drew a lovely picture of a heart that has something random I came up with written in it.  It's very nice and it has a good message.  See:

click the image to make it larger and therefore more readable.

Oh yeah, I want to remind you that its OKAY to comment on my posts.  If you have anything to say, say it!  I'm always open to hearing your comments.

I realized that I never put the first chapter of my latest story in my posts.  I am sorry about that.  I've been very busy and forgetful lately.  So here you are:

There was once a girl that nobody knew anything about.  She just seemed to have randomly appeared.  She came to a small town in Tennessee and settled down.  Nobody knew where she came from.  She started working for a guy named Jim.  He owned a small pet store but was getting to old to sweep the floor and the girl had appeared just one day after the “Now Hiring” sign went up.  Jim was the only person that the girl ever talked to.
                There was, also, once a boy that everybody knew basically everything about.  His name was Jack Sunshine.  He had always traveled the world and had been famous ever since he wrote his first song at age twelve.  He lived with his parents in a small cottage in the country during the summer.
                He also owned three domestic cats and a dog.
                “Oh, honey!” his mom called.
                “Yes?” he yelled back from his room.
                “Could you run to the pet store and pick up a bag of cat food?”
                “Now?” He looked up from his music sheet for his new song, Molten Lava Heart.  It didn’t sound half as good without the rest of band playing with him.
                “Yes, ‘now’! Fargo is starving and I didn’t realize that we ran out of cat food until now.”
                “But, why can’t you do it?”
                “I’m busy!  I just had a major idea for the book I’m writing.”
                There was no arguing when Mrs. Sunshine had an idea for a book.  She was also famous.  But she was a famous author, not a song writer.  When she had a breakthrough for her book, there was no stopping her.  Once she had even walked out of a wedding just so she could write her new idea down on a napkin.  That was all rather a waste, since her husband Jerry used it for the coffee stain he got on his shirt driving home.
                Jack was not quite ready enough to drive a car.  He only had his driving permit, which was useless when his mother kept having a huge idea for her book.  He jumped onto his bike and sped off to the store dodging pedestrians along the way.
                Jack used to enjoy living in the country when he was younger because he always had peace and quiet here.  It wasn’t roaring with fans as much as living in New York City was.  Now he didn’t like it as much as he used to.  He missed the parties and the noise and his friends.  There was no one to talk to here.  It was too quiet for him.
                Everybody knew everybody in this town, which is why it was surprising when he walked into the pet store to find an unfamiliar face.
                He pushed open the door to the store, which tinkled merrily in the July heat.  The large neon OPEN sign blinked welcomingly from the large window.
                “Hello!” an old voice creaked from the check-out counter, “My best costumer! Welcome!”
                “Hey.” Jack said emotionlessly.  He walked subconsciously around the store to the pet food aisle.  He grabbed the cheapest bag of cat food and ambled over to the counter.  He was thinking about his last concert and his newest songs.  He was pondering what to do for his friend’s birthday that was coming up, and a movie someone wanted him to star in, and—
                “Who are you?” Jack said.  He then realized just how rude his outburst must have sounded.
                “I’ve been called many names…” she looked lost in thought.  She was wiping the windows of the store with Windex and a paper towel.  Her brown hair was matted and unusually dirty, “I’m sorry,” She said, “don’t listen to me.  Just talking to myself, heh heh.” She grimaced and went back to wiping her window.
                Jack shrugged, just a new girl.
                “That’ll be five ninety five.” Jim said in his jolly southern accent.  Jack pulled out the six dollars that his mom gave him and cupped his hand to receive the change.  He shoved the coins into his pocket and walked out of the store.  He was thinking so much about his career and his friends that he forgot to take the bag of food with him.
                Later on that evening, Jack tried to compose a new song, when his sister started knocking violently on his door.
                “Rebecca, I don’t want to play with you right now.” He popped a couple of ear buds into his ears and turned up the music loud enough so he couldn’t hear his sister yelling at him, “Your eyes shine like the sun.  You must be the one, you must be the one” he sang along to his song.
                “Jack! There’s someone at the door!” Rebecca screamed.  He heard her this time.
                Tearing his ear buds out he opened up the door only wide enough to stick his head out. “Why don’t you open it then?”
                “Because the weirdo wants you, not me.” She said hoarsely.
                “What weirdo?” he mumbled closing the bedroom door behind him.  He hurried down the stairs and swung the door open, “Whadda ya want?” he said rudely.
                “Oh!  Sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you!  But, honestly, when are you going to learn to be less rude?” it was the girl from the pet store.  Her hair was straightened out now but was still dirty looking.
                “When you learn to be less random.” He sighed and shook his head, “Did you need something?”
                “No, it was rather that you needed something.  You forgot your cat food.”
                “Oh.” He said, embarrassed, “Thanks, I guess…”
                “No prob. ‘Night!” she said turning around to leave.
                “Wait!” He shouted as it occurred to him, “You never told me your name!”
                Her reply was mumbled so he couldn’t hear.  He watched her until she turned the corner.  The sky was pastel.  The sun was setting causing a shadow to fall over the house.  A car’s lights flashed by him and parked in the driveway across the street.  Jack sighed.

There you go.  Well there's things to do, so toodle-loo caribou, as they say in Alaska! LOL