About Me

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The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Stuff--otherwise known as the giant sock monkey from Super Scribblenauts

So I'm happy because I see that my facebook friends are growing.  Oops that sounds weird.  I'm getting more everyday is what I meant.

Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, but I've been gone a lot lately.  My brother had a Gym meet. He did pretty well considering he's been sick.

Sick?  Don't get me started!  Apparently all his friends are sick.  And apparently my friend that we usually do history co-op with has and ear infection and tonsilitis.  Bleh.  Now I get to do twice as many history tests next week since they're given every time we meet.  Every?  Like Everyman?  The play?  Thank goodness I don't have to act this thing out!  Can I just say that I'm getting sick now of English literature?  I can't tell what they're trying to say!  To many Thou's and Ye's.


I'm better now.

Progressive dinners are fun.  you should try them sometime.  You eat your appetizer at one house and your entree at the next.  Tons of fun.

Listened to Mark Schultz again.  Or at least until my computer restarted.  Stupid updates!

Cats!  Cats are cute!  Ew cat!  Really?  You just HAD to throw up there!  Oh, well the floors need to be cleaned anyways.

Well apparently only one person comented on the last post.  I think you can guess who.  Let me tell you, last night I dreamed that twenty people commented on my post.  How was I supposed to know I had less than two?  Oh well it was Muppet so it makes up for all the posts in the world.  Plus this was only the first time and I'm like the only person to comment on Muppet's blog.  What ever.  One day I'll be rich and famous, oh wait that was my dream.  No, my dream was about Thomas the Tank Engine of all things! And I was trying to save the world from them and these people that looked like tigers and dogs and apparently they were Egyptian mummies come back to life.  But you probably don't want to hear about that.


I'm Cosmo!  Cosmo is awesome!  That means that I am awesome.

No, I AM is awesome.  No He is AWESOME.

No, no, no, no:


That's better.

Have a random picture.  BTW.  I drew that.  It's a secret how I drew it.  My only hint: Microsoft Paint. I'm certain my current audience already knows.  But someday I'll have a million fans!  Oh never mind...


  1. Someday you will have a million fans....even if I have to make copies of myself :D

  2. I think one of you is just enough. I don't think I would be very content if I knew that all of my fans were one person. Even if it were you.
