About Me

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The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Best Friend is a Rainbow Kitty Cat

Now what I really wanted to blog about was my last post...er...the post before the Winnie the Pooh post.  Yeah, the crazy one.  I don't think you are really reading those long rambling posts.  So just to sum up that post for you (so you don't have to go through the trouble of reading that whole thing), it's impossible for me to combine my ideas into one single story.

You know how I can't ever finished any task I assign myself?  It shows in my blog because there are several past posts that I say, well I'm going to add this to my blog, and I'm going to this ___of the day, and I'll post pictures and stories and garbage from my computer so that the world will understand and...it doesn't really work.  The only sure thing about this blog is that I'll always post regularly unless I say otherwise.  But I remember back in the beginning of this blog, I was all like, "I'm going to blog everyday!" and then I couldn't.  Because I'm a busy girl.  In fact I probably should go and write a summery for my science experiment right now.  But I'm not going to because I read one chapter in the Scarlet Letter and answered the rest of my history questions this morning.

I want to post more music, but I can't get myself to go on YouTube.  I don't feel like searching for things online right now.

Look at that!  I lied.  I realized that I did have an urge to look something up.  It needed to happen.  Eventually.  Because this is such a cute song and now that I've seen the music video, I have to agree that it's adorable.  I blogged I while ago about this song and I wrote the chorus' lyrics because I loved the song so much.  It's called Don't Have Love by Holly Starr.  The whole thing is just adorable.  The tune, the lyrics, the music video; heck, even the song writer has an awesome name.  Not that I don't (tee hee).  But you'll never know my real name...except if you actually know me.  But this is getting off subject!  Well, then again, when does this blog ever stay on top of things.

Main point:  I love music and I had the courage to go on YouTube today so that I could find my (new) favorite song.  I can't just say this is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE or something in bold, because I love so many good Christian music.  And I don't really care if people think I'm psycho because I don't listen to anything new besides whatever they have on Spirit FM.  People really aren't writing very good music anymore anywhere else.  I mean, some of the stuff on Christian Radio (in my opinion) is dragging a little more lately.  I mean, there is a lot this year that's good and catchy and like, but most recently, I haven't really been jumping when the radio says "New Release" or something.  But I have to say that, if I had an Ipod, I would purchase this song off of ITunes.  But I have a MP3 that has an almost full memory and I don't know how to take songs off of.  So I'm stuck with whatever junk I put on it three or four months ago.  But at least I think I know what I'm getting for Christmas this year.

I'm also sad that my speakers aren't working for some reason.  Stupid technology.  Everything looks the same: phones look like Ipods, Ipods look like Tablets, Tablets look like Ipads, Ipads look like miniature flat-screen HD TV's, HD TV's look like 3D TV's.  Soon our world will be paved in electronic, touch-screen, tiles.  I hope DS's don't turn into little dual screen tiles.  I think I would cry.  Not that we even own that sort of technology, nor do I care right now for it.  I wonder when they'll move from flat surfaces to round balls.  Then people will be kicking balls to call their friends and burn calories at the same time.  They already make ice cream machine kick balls so my idea isn't too far fetched.  Well maybe it is but anyways.

Oh and if you are interested in finding out more about Holly Starr (like I do) go here:  http://hollystarrmusic.com/about/

I love it when people use the gift of music to spread the word of God, it's so touching.  Not just Holly, but people like Jamie-Grace, Matt Maher, Matthew West, Stephen Curtis Chapman, and Francesca Battistelli, to name a few.  Speaking of Jamie-Grace, I still have an unsigned picture of her.  Maybe I'll get it signed by her one day.  I love day dreaming.  With imagination you can fly when you're grounded, travel the world while you remain in your bedroom, walk when you know you can't even stand...But sometimes imagination can be a terrible thing, you can see the worst that hasn't even happened yet, hurt yourself on words you don't mean, rest in a past of pain...The worst thing about imagination is also the best, sometimes you can't control your thoughts and sometimes you can.

Wow, I've said a lot.  I guess this is what happens when Muppet's not here for me to pester her with my strange ideas and theories or whatnot.  I'm going to go do something constructive.

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