Just today, I was walking down the staircase at Lifestyles and I said that, after the squat track that the instructor did, I felt like my feet were suction cups that I had to peel off the floor just to move. I'm still getting over the sickness I had and now the worst is over. Now I'm just coughing occasionally.
I realized today is Valentine's day. I don't really care about Valentines day. Once I realized that people thought it was more than exchanging candy and happy looking cards, I stopped liking it as much. Valentine's day for some reason is about love. Why is it that you only have one day of love? Isn't life about love? If nobody had any love, we would all be killing each other and therefore die out and the human race would go extinct.
I also stopped liking Valentine's day because of some of the people at youth group. They thought that every girl in the universe had to have a boyfriend and if you didn't, there was something wrong with you. Nobody at youth group seemed to like me for me; it was all about the cell phones and the newest technology and, wait a second, which baseball team do you like? Wow that's stupid. You are so stupid! you have never had a first kiss, WHAT? you mean your parents won't let you have a facebook? Or a Tablet? Or an I-phone? You have to time yourself on the computer? Only THIRTY MINUTES? You have to TELL your parents when you go on the computer? What kind of sheltered homeschooler are you? Don't homeschoolers just sit inside their boxes and write papers all day? Don't you ever get to socialize? Don't you have friends? Don't you like somebody?
Well if people would stop insulting me and actually (Lord forbid) TALK to me and be nice to me, maybe I would socialize and have friends!
I have Muppet. I only need one friend....one GOOD friend.
Now that I'm done ranting about the people who think I'm weird, I wanted to show you the first chapter of my second story. And I realized, last time, that I put the title of the story itself and not the chapter name: AMY That's what it's called if you want to know. This story does not have chapter titles. It's just called
If you read the first sentence of this page you might, in fact, think the story inside it was lame. Your mothers said don’t judge a book by its cover. So, you didn’t. You open it to the first page and read the very first sentence and decide that reading this book is not worth all of this trouble. You close the book so that you can play a mindless video game. By this point you probably haven’t even read this sentence that actually begins the story inside of this book.
The child wept over a pile of lava.
By this point you think that the book is a complete waste of time. Not only is it boring, it also makes completely no sense. If you are an avid reader, you will continue to read, getting more out of the story than your book-hating friend. If you have one, anyways. Read on, please.
The child wept over a pile of lava. But, the child wasn’t a child. It was a mountain, spouting lava out of it. Or was it? Shelly couldn’t tell. She crept closer to the silhouette for a better look at it. Both of her accusations were incorrect.
The figure was a boy crying. But, he was crying lava. Shelly was torn between reaching out to the boy or screaming and running. She decided on screaming when she realized the boy was stone. She ran back to her town to tell the mayor. But the question was: would he believe her? The answer was no.
Shelly sat in her room after her parents finished scolding her for (a being late for dinner (b telling tall tales to the mayor and (c for humiliating everybody, including herself, in front of the mayor. What Shelly needed was proof of the monster she found.
She could go and capture him and bring him home. That wouldn’t work well, though. Not with being grounded for two days. In that time, the rock beast could very well have enough time to escape. She would have to break some rules.
That night she opened up her window and escaped from her house. Shelly walked back to the mountains where she had found the creature. He wasn’t there. His giant foot prints led into a cave. A glow protruded from the mountain. Eyes glared at her from within the crevice. The giant beast stood up and took a step toward her. This was surely the end. Or was it?
This story is much better written than the other one. I wonder if you have noticed any similarities in the feel of the stories. If you don't now, you will later.
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