About Me

My photo
The Milky Way Galaxy, Planet Earth, United States
I'm a Catholic Christian, creative curly-haired, cat/hat lover who is awesomely random and randomly awesome. Read my wonderful writings, listen to my mystical music, enjoy my beautiful blog...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Yay IPod Photos!

So, I've been sketching on my IPod and I thought you might like to see some of them.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

New pictures of Cosmo

You probably wonder what Cosmo did for Christmas.  She had a whole fashion show.  She was competing with my okapi, Brownie.  Here's what happened:

 The end.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Come Visit me, Cosmo, in the Parallel Universe!

That is, come visit the nail blog I was discussing in an earlier post.  WE MADE IT!  I visited Muppet one day and we were wondering what to do and then we decided, why don't we make a collaborative blog?  And so, as you can see, we did.

If you are a nail addict go here

You will see new nail posts from me along with some of Muppet's unseen artwork.  I hope you're not biting you're nails yet because that would be very bad for your teeth and your beautiful nails.  lol.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Okay, so I know I don't post so much any more

But if you've been following my blog for a while and have been reading my oldest posts you can remember that one of my first posts said that I would try to blog lots unless life happened.  Well, life has happened.  I could tell you about Christmas if I wanted to and how it was delayed for a day because my grandfather went to the hospital for reasons but is getting better now despite everything, but I don't have to, now.  Do I?  Now you know.

My weeks have been mostly doing school, visiting the hospital, going to Drama Club, going the Youth Group, trying out my new Ipod, playing Skylanders, petting my cat, and emailing Muppet.  Of course, other things have happened this winter.  We had plenty of visitors this winter including some friends I haven't seen in many years.  Like since I was ten or something.  That was about five or six years ago.  Yes, I had my birthday in January and, lucky me, I got sick the next day.  Between December of last year and January of this year, things just keep happening on after another for me.

There's not a ton for me to say because once I start telling you stuff, I'll end up telling you every single unimportant detail.  Like, my toothpaste exploded Monday and exploded again three days later.  I wanted to take a picture of the tube itself because it looked so freakishly diseased that it was creepy.

Point proven.

So I've been tossing around ideas for getting a new blog for more specific things so I could have one neat and nice blog and this blog which looks like I threw sherbet at the screen and added a sprinkle of kitties.  I don't know if I'm allowed to get a new blog, though.  I don't want to end up with fifty-zillion blogs.  I've been mostly thinking about making a blog to post random writing I've done and only for my random writing.  Another idea I've been thinking about is collaborating with Muppet to make a nail blog.  I read her blog recently and I quote:

"I've had various thoughts about making a nail blog, or turning this into a nail blog, but then I realized I have a doll blog that I don't do anything on because my computer doesn't like uploading my own pictures to any sort of internet, and what's the point of anything if there's no pictures?"

I have a perfectly good camera (as does she) and computer.  Her computer has problems with uploading pictures onto her blog.  My computer doesn't have a problem with my camera's photos  So I wonder if her old pictures might work on my computer.  Just thinking.

I like the thought of collaborating on nails with her.  She constantly paints my nails and I think they deserve to be displayed somewhere else besides the middle drawer in my dresser of strangeness.  THEN I could solve her problem of trying to find a blog challenge to do: 31 day nail challenge!  I bet she could do it even if it took her longer than a month.  She WEEKLY paints her nails.  Well, speaking of nails, Muppet and I are getting real, professional manicures today.  I can't wait.  I'm bringing my camera to take pictures of our nails.

Until next time (which won't be three months this time)!